

Revolutionary formula for the 2023 edition: 100 will be able to snatch the pass for the queen of sky runs.

The “BROOKS – Livigno Skymarathon” is enriched with a further, important significance, by offering direct access to the Trofeo Kima: this is perhaps the most substantial and intriguing novelty of the 2023 edition of the skyrunning race of the Little Tibet, which in a very short time has become a must for all ‘sky runners’.

Athletes who, this season, will therefore have the opportunity to compete not only for the final victory, but also for one of the 100 passes that guarantee participation in the Kima Trophy, one of the most eagerly awaited events of 2024. In the past, the Kima Trophy would draw its participants from among the thousands of applications received, leaving it to fate, in the final instance, to determine the athletes involved.

An approach that was certainly fascinating, and in which the quality of the race was in any case guaranteed by the ITRA points required to fill out the application (650 for men and 500 for women), but which this year leaves room for a more meritocratic and engaging mechanism. The one hundred places put up for grabs by the “BROOKS – Livigno Skymarathon” and the same number put up for grabs by the Grigne Skymarathon in September, will thus assign almost two thirds of the 350 bibs foreseen for the Kima, giving life to a real circuit of events for all lovers of the race “fil di cielo”.

As of this year, therefore, 2023 finishers who pre-register for the Grande Corsa sul Sentiero Roma, regardless of their ranking, will be given 100 wild cards that will allow them to skip the draw for the Kima.

This novelty enriches the already generous programme of the Livigno Skymarathon, recently made official by the organisers. The appointment is for Saturday 17 June 2023, the last weekend of spring, for what will be the opening event of the Livigno summer season. An event that, for the occasion, will be double, in order to guarantee all those present the perfect combination of sport and nature.

In addition to the traditional 34-kilometre race, there will also be the “BROOKS – Livigno Sky Trail”, a 17-kilometre route suitable for all those who want to put themselves to the test on an equally spectacular but less demanding track: an innovative way to enjoy the unspoilt nature of Livigno’s peaks and the thrill of competition. For both competitions, registration is already open online and the expected number of participants for the “BROOKS – Livigno Skymarathon” is 350, so hurry up to secure your bib number and the opportunity to also win a pass for the Kima Trophy.

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